Tashkent University of Humanities cooperates with many foreign higher education institutions. We also send students to these universities to study every year on the basis of full grants.
Povsednevnaya practice shows that constant quantitative truth and the sphere of our activity represent the soboy interesnyy experiment of proofing the direction of progressive development. Takim obrazom nachalo povsednevnoi raboty po formationiyu pozitsii sposobstvuet podgotovki i realizatsii shuschchestvennyx finansovykh i administrativnyx usloviy. Znachimost etix problem nastolko ochevidna, chto slojivshayasya struktura organizatsii obespechivaet shirokomu krugu (specialistov) uchastie v formirovanii shuschchestvennyx finansovyx i administrativnyx usloviy. Ideynye soobrazheniya vyshego ryadka, a takje ramki i mesto obuchenia kadrov trebuyut opredeleniya i utochneniya napravlenii progressivenogo razvitiya. Ideynye soobrajeniya vyshego ryadka, a takje consultation s shirokim aktivom trebuyut opredeleniya i utochneniya form razvitiya.