Who is my

TGFU, Nash address: https://tgfu.uz.


The real visitor posts a comment on the site, I collect the data specified in the form of the comment, and the IP address of the visitor and the user-agent browser data are set to spam.

Anonymizirovannaya stroka sozdavaemaya iz vashego adresa email ("hash") mojet predostavlyatsya service Gravatar, chtoby opredelit ispolzuete li vy ego. Privacy Policy Gravatar available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After the comment is approved, the image of the profile will be visible publicly in the context of the comment.


Esli vy zaregistrirovannyy user i zagrujaete fotografi na site, vam vozmojno sleduet izbegat zagruzki izobrajeniy s metadannymi EXIF, tak kak oni mogut soderjat dannye vashego mestoraspolojeniya po GPS. You can visit the site for information and downloadable images.


If you post a comment on our site, you can enable the storage of your name, email address, website, and cookies. Eto delaetsya dlya vashego udobstva, chtoby ne zapolnyat dannye snova pri povtornom kommentirovanii. Eti kuki xranyatsya v techenie odnogo goda.

Esli u vas est uchetnaya zapis na site i vy voydete v neyo, my usstanovim vremennyy kuki dlya opredeleniya podderjki kuki my browser, kuki ne soderjit nikakoy lichnoy informatsii i udalyaetsya pri zakrytii vashego browser.

Pri vkhode v uchetnuyu zapis my takje ustanavlivaem neskolko kuki s dannymi vkhoda i nastroykami ekrana. Kuki vkhoda xranyatsya v techenie dvux dney, kuki s nastroykami ekrana – god. Esli vy vyberete vozmojnost "Zapomnit menya", dannye o vkhode budut sokhranyatsya v techenie dvuk nedel. When exiting, the cookie will be deleted from the account.

When editing, the status of the publication will be saved in the browser and an additional cookie will be saved, which will include personal data and the ID record of the editor, and the cookie will last for 1 day.

Vstraivaemoe soderjimoe drugix websites

Stati na etom site can include vstraivaemoe soderjimoe (e.g. video, image, stati, etc.), podobnoe soderjimoe vedet sebya tak je, kak esli by visitetel zashel na secondoy site.

Eti sitey mogut sobirat dannye o vas, ispolzovat kuki, vnedryat dopolnitelnoe otslejivanie tretey storonoy i sledit za vashim vzaimodeystviem s vnedrennym soderjimym, vklyuchaya otslejivanie vzaimodeystviya, esli u vas est uchetnaya zapis i vy autorizovalis na tom site.

S kem my delimsya vashimi dannymi


Kak dolgo my xranim vashi danye

Esli vy ostavlyaete kommentariy ili zayavku, to sam kommentariy/zayavka i ego metadannye sokhranyayutsya neopredelenno dolgo. Eto delaetsya dlya togo, chtoby opredelyat i odobryat posleduyushchie kommentarii automaticheski, vmesto pomeshcheniya ix v ochered na otrovednie.

For users with registration on my website, I have all the necessary information, which I show in my profile. All users can view, edit or delete their information from their profile at any time (except for the username). You can also find information on the administration website.

Kakie u vas prava na vashi dannye

Pri nalichii uchetnoy zapisi na site ili esli vy stavlyali kommentarii, to vy mojete zaprosit file exporta personalnyx dannyx kotorye my sokhranili o vas, vklyuchaya predostavlennye vami danye. You can also request the deletion of data, which does not include data that my obligation to store is for administrative purposes, as per the law, for security purposes.

Kuda otpravlyayutsya vashi dannye

Kommentarii polzovateley mogut proveryatsya avtomaticheskim servisom opredeleniya spama.
Information zapolnennaya pri registratsii otpravlyaetsya v AMO CRM.